Posts Tagged ‘summer vacation’

How to Love Your Child’s Summer Vacation, Pt. 2

In yesterday’s post I proposed the first three of five tips to help you with summer vacation activity ideas. These are meant to ease your mind and equip you with helpful ideas if you’re one of many parents wondering how you’re going to fill the vast expanses of hot days with “bored” kids… retain your sanity… make it fun and nourishing for all… and maybe even stumble upon some calm, confidence and joy in the process. (What a concept!)

I covered:

  • How to avoid one of the most common pitfalls when transitioning to summer vacation
  • Why “boredom” isn’t lethal to your children ~ just the opposite!
  • Ways to use summer as a “refueling zone” ~ nourishing presence & connection

Today, onward! (more…)

How to Love Your Child’s Summer Vacation

How to Love Your Child's Summer Vacation | Marcy Axness, PhD

Along with your child’s school summer vacation, the summer season itself brings many natural cues to slow down: the warmth, the longer days (more time = less need to do things fast), and the luscious grass or warm sand that beckons, Lie down!

But the approach of summer can also strike terror in the hearts of parents. Are you quietly (or not-so-quietly) dreading your child’s school summer vacation — wondering how you’re going to fill the vast expanses of hot days with “bored” kids? How you’re going to stick to your values about screened media, while retaining your sanity? Oh, and by the way, hopefully enjoying some semblance of calm and enJOYment?!

Here are five guidelines to help you not just survive summer, but actually cultivate more ease & harmony as you “wire” yourself and your children for joy & wellbeing in the coming year! (more…)

My Slow-Summer Manifesto

Summertime tree

“Manifesto” may be a bit strong. Let’s call it my Summer Declaration of Insouciance — and I invite you to join me!

The rest of the year features so many “shoulds,” and we are all such dutiful, high-aiming accomplishers, am I right? With its naturally slower rhythm, summer is a great time to zero in on one or two interests / projects to get us out of bed in the morning… and then give ourselves (and our kids!) a respite from other “shoulds.”

Kick off your shoes and feel the grass between your toes… or maybe it’s sand. Lie back and feel the warm breeze dance across your face. Let the kids go nuts on the slip ‘n slide while you read something delicious. Ahhhhhh, slow summertime.

Believe me, as I write this I’m asking myself, Really?? Can I really do this??! Can I really focus just on the cool projects I’m preparing for fall, and let the whole bloggy social media perpetual motion machine grind on (mostly) without my contributions?? I’m aiming to find out. (Making it a public declaration like this seems like it might help me with accountability — give me a holler if you see me around the blog-o-sphere too much, will ya?!)

I find wise guidance in this oh-so-short essay by Brianna West on happiness. (Her definition of happiness is the most helpful & brilliant I’ve ever come across!). She points out how curiosity and enthusiasm nurture happiness, and emphasizes the importance of “discovering that which compels your mind and soul.” And, I would add, re-discovering it continually throughout life.

That is my goal for this summer, so I can return to the “should” life in fall refreshed, recharged and refocused. I’ll leave you with a tip that can help you weave a summer rhythm that will work for everyone!


Cheng Lin on Unsplash

My Child’s Out of School — Eek!

SummerVacayFeatured2Are you quietly (or not-so-quietly) dreading your child’s school summer vacation — wondering how you’re going to fill the vast expanses of hot days with “bored” kids? How you’re going to stick to your values about screened media, while retaining your sanity? Oh, and by the way, hopefully enjoying some semblance of calm and enJOYment?!

Here are five guidelines to help you not just survive summer, but actually cultivate more ease & harmony as you “wire” yourself and your children for joy & wellbeing in the coming year!

Before reading more about these Summer-Sanity ideas at, here’s a little “secret tip” that will help ensure the success of any routine you come up with — for summer or anytime!


Okay, let me at those ideas!! 


sachatrtl Flickr | Creative Commons