A Special Taste of the P4P Coaching & Care Circle

Kathy White | Joyful ParentsWhen she visits the P4P Coaching & Care Circle, Kathy White, founder of Joyful Parents in the U.K., introduces participants to The Work of Byron Katie. It works in remarkable ways to help you explore and release the mental blocks, resistances or old habits that may be preventing you from putting P4P tools to their most vibrant use. Kathy’s gentle work is an amazing, fast route to achieving a harmonious and fulfilling relationship with your child, and yourself!

(Awhile back, when we realized that one day we’ll offer a class together, Kathy and I had the idea to first do a “taster session” for a few parents we had each worked with in private practice. This gave everyone an opportunity to get a vivid, immediate feel for how Parenting for Peace and The Work fit together so dynamically and so helpfully. We recorded that session, so now you can have a taste of how we work and what those parents experienced.)

Here is an example of the richness you may experience when you gather with other parents in the P4P Coaching & Care Circle, and meet Kathy when she joins us for a couple of our calls.

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You will be surrounded by like-minded parents like these who are open, willing, and really eager to learn more about how to become joyful parents — how to really parent for peace. And perhaps most important, they are open to uncovering what blocks them from it. Listen to this group of international parents introduce themselves…

One parent spoke of the challenge of finding parenting information (like that contained in Marcy’s book Parenting for Peace) to sometimes be overwhelming: although it is useful, it can sometimes make parents feel like they’re not enough — or worse, that they have failed.  Listen to this mom’s thoughts on that…

Are you in growth mode or are you in protection mode with your child? Marcy gives an overview of these two states, how to know which one you are in, and the effect of them on you and on your child. Listen and find out…

Kathy’s tool of inquiry is The Work of Byron Katie, which is  a very simple process that involves identifying stressful beliefs and then asking a few basic questions that work in a remarkable way to free us from those beliefs. Parents often try to be peaceful, joyful, playful…but struggle with that. And they don’t know why. They may assume they’re not a great parent. Listen as Kathy shows parents how to identify the stressful thought to work on…

Have you ever had the thought that you don’t get enough space because of your children? This came up for one of the mothers on the call, and so Kathy used that stressful thought to demonstrate how to go though The Work. She asks all the parents to respond to the questions as they work through this common parenting thought: “My child won’t give me space.” This shows how it can be simply a belief that is in the way of you being the parent you want to be. Listen to this most extraordinary (and extraordinarily simple!) process in action…

Marcy offers a way of demystifying the why so many parents today feel overwhelmed. Listen to her list of “The Big Three” issues that can undermine parents…

One popular parenting technique is “time-out.” Whether it’s in the form of “Go to your room” or “Sit on the naughty chair,” Marcy explains how time-outs undermine your child’s healthy development. Listen to why time-out just won’t work to create true peace in your family…

As a conclusion to the call, Kathy and Marcy discuss the concept of “striving.” What does it mean to strive, and how can our striving benefit us as parents? Where might it not be a useful concept? Listen and see how you feel about it…


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