…I want to reassure you that I’m not. It may seem like you’re hearing (reading??) crickets from me these days, so I’d like to offer a bit of explanation.
The past several months have put every molecule of me to the test — preparing and then putting on two webinars launching the new “5 Parenting for Peace Tools” program in October; traveling and teaching a huge 3-day intensive course in Brazil in November; losing use of my computer mid-December for a month; and ending the year in bed with the horrenza-flu, which soon after New Years morphed into — egads, it’s so cliché! — pneumonia.
All that, together with a milestone birthday approaching next month, has led me to choose to take some time to step back from everything** that has become my professional routine for the past four years since Parenting for Peace was published. For this big birthday, I’m giving myself the gift of time.
Time to reassess, to contemplate, to vision and reenvision: What really matters, and how can I be of most use? What is it I’m truly here on this planet to do? And how can I do it in such a way that (at least most of the time) makes my soul rise with joy & meaning?
Quantum Cool in Everyday Life
I’m a big fan of a principle I call “emergent novelty,” something very cool I discovered when studying how consciousness studies and quantum theory relate. I’ve witnessed how amazing original ideas, impulses and clarity can arise IF a person (or group of people) is daring enough to sit fully, deeply and trustfully in the foggy NOT-knowing space as long as is needed.
In this never-miss-a-blog-or-a-status-update-or-a-tweet-or-comment climate, that can feel a bit scary. But I’m venturing in, with the heart of an adventuress. I’m finding a space in the fog where I can sit and let the shape of my so-called “Act 3” begin to reveal itself to me.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not dropping off the edge of the earth and not even completely off the edge of social media. You’ll see a tweet or update from me on occasion.

I’m also going to use the time to work on a couple substantive pieces of writing that I’ve been putting off for (literally!) years — including an in-depth series on lesser-explored aspects of waterbirth.
[**And of course I will still be serving my Coaching & Care Circle members with live calls every other week and feedback on the private FB group. That always makes my soul rise!]
Lots of Dr. Marcy Juice Available
If you find yourself having a Dr. Marcy jones, no worries. I’ve written so many blog posts on so many topics, you won’t have to go without. When you’re at my website, use the homepage tag cloud or type a term into the search window (on any page but the homepage), and you’ll find tons.
Or, if you’re on my mailing list and have saved past P4P newsletters, you might rifle back through some older issues and find stuff that didn’t spark for you then, but does now.
Participate in My Emergent Novelty!
Would you like to contribute to my sitting-in-the-fog process? I invite you to be in touch and let me know if what you have been discovering from me through Parenting for Peace is of value to you… and if so, specifically which aspects you find most helpful… and what you might want to see more of.
I’d also be very open to hearing if you have not felt served by the P4P offerings (I promise to not take it personally… it’s one of the perks of my upcoming milestone birthday… you just don’t sweat that stuff so much!)… and what you would like to see instead!
Please know that I carry you in my heart as I take this pause, with the abiding question, How can I best serve you??
As I walk through my season of recovery, review and realignment, I also invite you, if it resonates and feels right, to join me in stepping back a bit from the din — whatever that means for you. Invite some quieter, wider-open space for emergent novelty to bloom in you!
Catch you on the flip side…