Posts Tagged ‘mindful nurturing’

Amazing Deal on An Instant Parenting Library!

I am proud to again be included in a collection of hand-picked conscious parenting resources from some of the finest authors around. Introducing Mindful Parenting’s newest eBundle, which went on sale TODAY!

The Essential Parenting Collection is 35 eProducts — worth more than $740 — that comprise a comprehensive library of parenting essentials.

Included are eBooks, eAudio, eCourses, coloring pages, an eMagazine, and more on the topics of Pregnancy and Birth, Parenting the Early Years, Child Development, Mindful Guidance, and Resources for Parents.

This collection includes some HUGE names in the parenting field, and resources that will (peacefully) rock your world, including:
  • Hold On to Your Kids — by Gordon Neufeld and Gabor Maté, two of my IDOLS. I sometimes recommend this book (especially to parents of older kids) even before my own!
  • The Business of Baby — by Jennifer Margulis, an incisive look into what doctors and corporations don’t tell you about pregnancy and childbirth — and how you can put your and your baby’s own wellbeing ahead of their bottom line
  • Parenting Softly Straightforward, no-frills neuro-scientific guidance for parenting from conception through age two, from my respected colleague Bryan Post
  • and my contribution, Calm Authority for Fathers My most popular audio coaching session, developed through years of clinical research & success:

Dad Up! A Scientific Audio Tool for Being An Effective,
Happy Father Whose Kids Respect You

  • You can get the full bundle (35 titles) for $49.97 (that’s an average of $1.42 per title… and the full bundle includes great freebies!), or…
  • any individual topic module containing 6-7 titles for $19.97. (Calm Authority for Fathers is in the “Resources for Parents” topic module. So you can get that plus FIVE OTHER titles for just 2 cents more than my audio retails for!!!! Can you say, “No-brainer”??!)

Get the full scoop | Order your eBundle

Fine print: I’m required by law to inform you of the seemingly obvious
fact that I receive an affiliate/contributor portion of proceeds from each sale!