Posts Tagged ‘stress;drink;alcohol;fatigue;pain;water;vodka;’

Have a Drink!

waterIt will make everything better, I promise. No, I’m not suggesting you have a swig of Mother’s Little Liquid Helper**, I’m inviting you to have a refreshing glass of water. This may be the shortest blog post I’ve ever written, because this is pretty straightforward and uncomplicated: drink more water and get your kids hooked on water! If you already do this, you don’t need to read further. For the other 99% of you, please fill ‘er up and read on. Frankly, I’m a tad annoyed that the First Lady is getting all the press (and some backlash–read on) for something I’ve been yapping about for decades: most of us don’t drink enough water, and we would feel MUCH better if would drink more water.

[** Not gonna lie — there were many afternoons during my mothering-young-children days when I fantasized about having an actual drink…and sometimes I actually even had a drink. Never in an unsafe way — if there was any driving or heavy machinery operating in the near future… but there it is. I guess I’m in a confessional mood. My go-to cocktail? Prune juice with a splash of vodka, because they’d never ask for a sip of my prune juice!!] I digress. {You can read the rest of this refreshing post at!}