Posts Tagged ‘infertility’

Talking About Adoption…Honestly

Mitchell, Lily & Cam | "Modern Family"

Mitchell, Lily & Cam, “Modern Family”‘s adoptive family

Talking about adoption honestly supports healthy emotional development for both children and parents. Yet it is not always the easy choice. False cheer and inaccurate platitudes often feel like the less challenging way to go. (As Mitchell discovered in a light-hearted treatment of this issue on a recent Modern Family. He found it easier to tell Lily her mother was a princess–until she became obsessed with princesses!)

The road to adoption is invariably a challenging one for many adoptive parents, marked by many losses— (more…)

Reconceiving Conception: 5 Likely Suspects in Unexplained Infertility (Part 2)

In part one we touched on such under-considered aspects as environmental toxins, nutrition, and immune issues that can have a negative effect on healthy fertility. (And commenter Anna helpfully added that there has been an association made in animal testing between GMO foods and infertility.) Two other fruitful areas to explore when faced with the dismaying diagnosis of unexplained infertility — or to optimally foster healthy fertility — are frequently overlooked entirely: electromagnetic fields, and the staggering power of our minds to influence our bodies. {Read the rest of this post at}