Posts Tagged ‘Fathers-Day’

A Precious, Radical (& Free!) Gift for Fathers

EllyTaylorHS2This post features a personal story illustrating what I call “counter-intuitive brilliance.” It’s the story of an interaction between a new father and a new mother. It’s about how to diaper their baby. It’s a conversation that surely takes place alongside the changing table in virtually every home where there are new parents blessed with a newborn. But this conversation went very differently.

First, by way of setting the stage: I recently had the best, juicy conversation with relationship counselor and Becoming Us author Elly Taylor. We talked about some of the common ways that new parenthood takes a toll on marriage. And more importantly, we covered some really practical ways we can ease that toll, and nurture our relationship as much as we nurture our kids!

One of my favorite wise comments from Elly:

“We disconnect in tiny little ways…
we reconnect in tiny little ways…”

Click on the orange arrow for a quick snippet:

You can read & hear more of this post at! 



Men and Pregnancy: Inviting Fathers In

A mother’s attachment to her baby begins long before birth. By the last trimester many mothers feel like they know their babies, having been enjoying for months their familiar, reassuring movements in the womb.

LPDadAndBellyBabyBut what about men and pregnancy? What are a father’s experiences during those wondrous nine months?  How does the attachment process begin for them? Is a father’s only option to look on with wonder (and sometimes envy) at the beautiful relationship forming between his once-doting partner and this tiny interloper?

We bemoan absent fathers, but do we really nurture the seeds of their involvement from the very beginning, when supporting men and pregnancy may lay a critical foundation for later attachment? {Find out the answers to these questions and more — read the rest of this article at}

Lisa Pflaum Photography, used w/ permission