“Shift Your Child’s Perplexing Stuck
Behaviors Overnight” Plan 

A Parenting for Peace Tool-Set from Marcy Axness, PhD


PurplePaintBoyCrop• Does your child have negative patterns of behavior that seem immune to whatever parenting techniques you try?• Do you find yourself getting frustrated, annoyed and even outright ANGRY when you can’t seem to change things?

• Do you suspect it may be related to prenatal / birth trauma or other “unreachable” memories in your child’s experience?

Do you find yourself wishing there was some magic solution to “un-stick” these patterns and bring more ease, harmony & delight into your home?

This set includes a 75-min. Dr. Marcy Audio Coaching
and companion Quick-Start eBooklet. This is a
step-by-step plan to “un-stick” those perplexing, frustrating
behaviors. This coaching includes specific guidelines, sample cases,
and a bonus: a powerful guided imagery for bringing more confidence
and peace to YOUR experience as a parent.

Click Here to Get This Unique Resource!