4 Ways to De-Stress Back-to-School

Four Ideas for Simplifying Life While Enriching Education

ClassroomIs it me, or does time seem to just keep going faster? Here we are again in the early weeks of a new school year…already!

In my day [best stated in crochety, old-lady voice], we were very excited for back-to-school, in large part, I think, because summer’s pace was soooooo much slower than it tends to be these days. There weren’t all the summer programs, the series of vacations, the catch-up tutoring. There were long, hot days filled with swimming, catching pollywogs, reading comics and Nancy Drew, and walking to the corner store for candy. Maybe a horseback riding or dance lesson sprinkled in occasionally, or a family outing to the river. Rinse and repeat, for 75 days, and you are ready for the refreshing rigor of school. {Read more at mothering.com}

by CDC on Unsplash

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