In Rachel Stafford’s lovely post, “A Reason for the Listening Face,” she reframes the constant tech / device challenge in a powerful and HELPFUL way.
“Does Siri Thwart Social Intelligence?” (A post I wrote for Mothering) | Social Intelligence author Daniel Goleman cautions, “This inexorable technocreep is so insidious that no one has yet calculated its social and emotional costs.”
“Who’s In Control? The Unhappy Consequences of Being Child-Centered” | Here is the full article by the late Jean Liedloff as it appeared in Pathways to Family Wellness.
Simple, effective ways to do a pattern interrupt on spiraling negativity, whether it’s sadness, stress, anger or whatever. Exit negative brain pathways, rewrite old operating programs, and install healthier ones!
Parental Self-Reflections | A list of questions to stimulate an imaginative journey back into your own childhood history, by permission of Dan Siegel, co-author of Parenting from the Inside Out.
Your safe haven for hand-holding care, game-changing guidance and personalized support as you bring The 5 Tools on board in your parenting.