Scrapbook of Dr. Marcy Event Highlights


BirthkeeperSummitI’m excited to join a roster of amazing folks at this epic gathering. I’m making very few personal appearances these days (by homebody choice), so this is a rare chance for you and me to be together face-to-face!  My sessions:
Childbirth & The Future of Homo Sapiens (I’ll be on this panel led by Michel Odent) | Friday, May 1 | 7:45 pmParenting for Peace: Birthing the Next Generation of Peacemakers — Pregnancy, birth &  postpartum are “Nature’s Head Start Program”: environmental cues from Mom’s physical, mental and emotional life tell baby what kind of world to prepare for, and development unfolds accordingly — to express optimal growth in a loving world, or to prepare to defend in a hostile world. From the 7-step / 7-principle Parenting for Peace model, I will spotlight practical ways we can harmonize with Nature’s plan at these three critical stages for hardwiring our children with the brain circuitry for such essential peacemaker capacities as self-regulation, self-reflection, imagination, trust and empathy.  | Saturday, May 2 | 10:30am

Registration info | Speakers & Workshops | My CliffsNotes Diary


October 24, 2013 | Good Life Academy (Tarzana, CA)

Marcy will be giving a class all about: Are You Turning into the Parent You Never Wanted to Be? Stressed, Angry, Out-of-Control and…Aaarrrghhh? Then “Zip Your Lip”!

Come get the “Big-Bang” parenting tool to help you transform from stressed-out to sane & centered!

7:00 pm – 18719 Calvert St. | Tarzana, CA 91335

October 16, 2013 | The 9th Annual WNC Conference on Infant Mental Health (Asheville, NC)

I’m looking forward to sharing powerful P4P tools for calm, confident parenting with parents and professionals at the Mountain Area Health Education Center in Asheville, NC.

Do you know anyone in the area who would like to bring more tranquility, joy and effectiveness to their parenting? If so, spread the word: for parents (who don’t need the continuing training credits), it’s a great deal at just $35!

July 27, 2013 | Golden Bridge Yoga Ultimate Parenting Event – West Coast Premiere of Happy Healthy Child (Hollywood, CA)

This fantastic event is FREE, but space is limited, so reserve your spot. As one of the people interviewed in the film, I’ll be speaking on the panel. I hope to see you there!!

Yoga with Gurmukh (3:00 – 4:15 p.m.)
Discussion and book signing with Dr. Jay Gordon (4:30 – 5:30 p.m.)
Happy Healthy Child screening and panel discussion (6:00 – 7:30 p.m.)

1357 N. Highland Ave., Los Angeles, CA

February 22-24, 2013 (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

“O poder dos imprints prenatais” – Como o que nos acontece na vida intrauterina fica registrado em nossa biologia.

In English with Portuguese translation: 2 1/2-day intensive exploring the human experience from preconception through the late pregnancy period of development, with an emphasis on the conception journey, embryology and the prenatal period of imprinting.| For info / registration inquire here.

NVC Academy | Parenting Matters teleconference

January 24 – 28, 2013 | Parenting Matters (Your own home)

From the NVC (Nonviolent Communication) Academy — I will give the closing guest talk of the teleconference, “Parenting for Peace: From Scared to Sacred.” We’ll be navigating the bug-a-boo of the “Angry Parent”…with tools to master the mad. | Info / register

Marcy Axness, PhD | Adopt Salon keynote speakerNovember 10, 2012 | Adopt Salon Conference (Skirball Cultural Center, Los Angeles)

Closing keynote: A Falling Out of Everydayness ~ Understanding Adoption — For all members of the adoption constellation and those treating/working with them — adult adoptees, adoptive parents, foster-adoptive parents, birth parents, social workers and psychotherapists. | Info

Mid-Pacific Conference on Birth & Primal HealthOctober 27-28, 2012 | Mid-Pacific Conference on Birth & Primal Health Research (Honolulu, HI) | Info  

Poster session: Parenting for Peace 

**** Conference Flash **** The data is clear: that we humans are losing the capacity to give birth! How can that be? It is pure evolution in action: when we do not use certain functions of our physiology, the “message” to our always-changing bodymind system — a message to future generations through changes in DNA expression — is, “That function is no longer needed.” Read more on this…

September 24, 2012 California Women’s Conf. (Long Beach, CA)

I’m honored to be the guest expert Monday, Sept. 24th on a special live / streaming episode of “Being Mom” — with host Sarah Ripard and celebrity author/mom Mallika Chopra — as part of the fabulously inspiring California Women’s Conference. We’ll brainstorm “From Supermom to Sane & Centered Mom” — practical ways of bringing the sacred into the everyday of parenting. All the info. in one place, including tickets link & show description here.

May 14, 2012 | London College of Spirituality (Evolve Wellness Centre, London, U.K.)

LondonCollSpirLogoEvening workshop: Nurturing Evolution ~ Raising Ourselves & Our Children As Peacemakers 

From cell biology to prenatal psychology, neuroscience to esoteric spiritual science, this workshop is an interdisciplinary exploration of radical new ways of seeing and being with vital human mysteries, holding the intention of collaborating with Life to evolve our global family toward greater joy, empathy, intelligence and interdependence.

You think because you understand one you must understand two, because one and one make two. But you must also understand “and.” Rumi

LightOnParentingSmMay 5-6, 2012 | Light on Parenting Conference (London, U.K.)

Closing keynote: Parenting for Peace ~ Birthing the Next Generation of Peacemakers 

Thrilled to present with colleagues Robin Grille, Susanne Arms, Vivette Glover, and other very cool but lesser-“known” wise ones!

April 13-15, 2012 | Trust Birth Conference (Nashville, TN)

Closing keynote: Parenting for Peace ~ Birthing the Next Generation of Peacemakers 

Pre-conference 1-day workshop: Raising Peace ~ How the New Science of Human Thriving Can Enrich Practice


March 31, 2012 | Your Natural Baby Fair (San Diego, CA)

SDBabyFair2In this official “coming out” for the book, I’m a main-stage featured speaker just before famed midwife / scholar Ina May Gaskin. Giving these new parents “5 Big-Bang Parenting Tools” to start using now. Book signing follows.BookSignWInaMay

ParentingForPeace final coverSMOctober 2010 – Spring 2012

I’ve sold my book (formerly known as Raising Generation PAX) to the well-respected Sentient Publications… and now I have to finish writing it! No traveling, no gigs, just writing, writing, writing… and rewriting, rewriting, rewriting!

Dr. Marcy Axness lays down the simple but profound principles and practices required to raise generations comfortable in their hearts and happy with themselves. A tranquil revolution of the soul and of the home that would benefit all humanity. — Dr. Gabor Maté 

Freedom for Family WellnessOctober 21-24, 2010 | Freedom for Family Wellness Summit (Washington, DC)

Plenary session: The Conscious Conception &                                   Birth of New Science MpresentingICPA1

Marcy Axness, Ph.D., explored the provocative, vitalism-friendly ideas of “thought as an organizing principle” on the tiny biological system of the fertilized ovum; of conception as the vitalistic “big bang” that echoes lifelong; and the opportunity we have as members of the human family to participate in our own “spontaneous evolution” through offering the incoming physical being thoughts and intention—such as gratitude, wonder and presence—that may invite more coherent, harmonized organization and growth. 

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