

Tool 1: Presence








LanguageOfListening An introduction to Sandy Blackard’s wonderful “SWYS” approach, a practical way to engage Presence with your child. 
KindyShare On social intelligence & peacemaker capacities as predictors of lifelong success across multiple dimensions. 
ZenSand “How To Meditate Daily” |  Beginning with the 2-minute meditation… really! Author Leo Baubuta: “There’s no excuse for not doing it, when you simplify the meditation habit.”
MeditatingWoman “A Guide to Meditation for the Rest of Us” |  You can improve concentration and slow down your day-to-day life  without ever uttering the word “chakra.”  All you need is your breath.
n-MEDITATION-large570 “13 Things Mindful People Do Differently Every Day” | No longer reserved for the new age set, the public is looking to mindfulness as an antidote to stress, burnout, tech addiction and a sense of time famine & constant busyness.
Sandra_Oh_Mindfulness A treasure-trove of resources about mindfulness practice, including articles like “Two Minutes for Mindfulness” and “Don’t Just Do Something, Sit There!” and exercises from Thich Nhat Hanh, who wrote The Miracle of Mindfulness.
Greater Good’s Mindfulness Quiz | Based on your responses to 20 simple queries, they offer guidance geared to your needs.
Parental Self-Reflections | Pg. 133 by permission of — and with blessings for your great success & growth! — Dan Siegel. (PDF download)
Your safe haven for hand-holding care, game-changing guidance and personalized support as you bring The 5 Tools on board in your parenting.