Final (BIG!) Sale on Instant Parenting Library
Mindful Parenting is closing out its latest (and possibly LAST!) eBundle with a big-bang sale + 3 special bonuses. The Essential Parenting Collection of 35 eProducts comprises a comprehensive library of conscious parenting essentials for one tiny price… and the price just got WAY tinier!!
Final Sale + 3 Bonus Titles on
Through Sat., April 26th Only!
This collection includes some HUGE names in the birth & parenting fields — Gordon Neufeld, Gabor Maté, Jennifer Margulis to name just 3 — and I’m honored to be among them with my most popular audio coaching session:
Dad Up! A Scientific Audio Tool for Being An Effective, Happy Father Whose Kids Respect You
Fine print: I’m required by law to inform you of the seemingly obvious
fact that I receive an affiliate/contributor portion of proceeds from each sale!
Spring Simplicity
Don’t you love that feeling of lightness that you get after spring cleaning? In that spirit I’m doing a season of mini-articles aiming for that feeling:
Mining Joy from the Muckof Daily Mothering Read
Got Trust? The Antidote for Insecurity & Stress
Glancing Back at the Whirlwind
For the first time since Parenting for Peace came out in early spring of 2012, I’m having a few moments to catch my breath and really savor where I’ve been and whom I’ve connected with in these past two fast-paced years.In case you’re curious about where I’ve traveled (so far!) on the wings of my book, here’s a Scrapbook of Dr. Marcy Event Highlights. (We will continue updating this, by the way. I still need to add my goofie selfie with Bruce Lipton!)
Got Wonder?
If you follow me much, you know I often give the prescription to cultivate more wonder in your life. In case you’re running low, here’s a wonder break:
Recent blog posts
Is Your Child Ready To Read? A Checklist | True reading readiness is a biological milestone, like losing a first tooth, and can be assessed using specific sensory-motor integration benchmarks. (This post was seen by over 45,000 and was surprisingly controversial, judging from the comments!)
Surrender: A Potent Power for Parenting | We of the information revolution are convinced we can figure out and control everything in our lives. But paradoxically, surrender is more empowering!
Mining Joy from the Daily Muck of Mothering | Motherhood broke me open, and then brought me through the muck of daily mothering to wholeness. Here are two (of many) guiding concepts that saw me through.
Got Trust? The Antidote for Insecurity & Stress | Trust–calm reliance upon things outside your perception and control–is the antidote for insecurity and stress. How to fill your inner reservoir of trust?